Parent Responsibility

Welcome to our cooperative preschool! Being a part of our community means you have a direct hand in shaping your child's early education. Our cooperative model is built on family involvement, creating a nurturing environment filled with friendship, support, and lasting relationships. Here’s what you can expect as a member of our preschool family:

Parent Job

Every family will take on a parent job for the school year, contributing a few hours a month. Roles range from Teacher’s Assistant and Librarian to Field Trip Coordinator and more. These jobs are essential in keeping our preschool running smoothly, and the President or Vice President will help you understand your responsibilities.

Board and Executive Board Positions

Our preschool thrives thanks to dedicated volunteers on our board. The Executive Board includes President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, while other board roles cover areas like Marketing, Fundraising, and Class Chairs. These roles require a few hours per week and monthly meetings, where community members are always welcome to attend.

Classroom Workday

Parent involvement is at the heart of our co-op model. Each family is required to work in the classroom at least one day per week for each enrolled child. This hands-on experience allows you to actively participate in your child’s learning and connect with other students. On your workday, your presence makes a significant impact, fostering a nurturing and collaborative environment for everyone.

Membership Meetings

Participation in running the preschool is another key piece of our cooperative model. Decisions are made by the entire membership, as they directly impact the families enrolled in the school. There are bi-monthly mandatory membership meetings throughout the school year.

Parent Education Meetings

Each month members are required to attend a Parent Education night where they will meet to learn about a topic related to parenting. The goal is to gain new skills or and techniques and share experiences to learn from our community. Some topics include managing big feelings, water safety, and positive discipline. Parent Education nights are held each month, some in-person, some virtually over Zoom.


Every month we clean and reset our classrooms. Each family must sign up for two Classroom Resets per year. Resets are usually 2-4 hour shifts. Members must also participate in a All School Set Up, Mid-Year and End-of-Year Deep Cleaning. Children may not be present at any cleanings.


Each family is required to contribute or fundraise $100 each year. We offer a variety of fundraising campaigns to help families reach this goal and encourage them to involve friends and family in our efforts. There will also be a buy-out option for families.